This may sound a bit different however this circumstance came about while at the All-American Day in February this year when Dave Daw and I, who used to be in the Mustang Club of South Australia in a previous life, were approached by a representative of that club to see if we were interested and cordially invited to have a limited number of Corvettes on display at their Nationals. We accepted and as we were only able to display six cars went about the task of selecting as many different series of Corvettes as we could based also on the fact it would be held on Easter Sunday when people prefer family time and followed Rob McConnell’s club run the day before which kept the choices restricted. With ongoing collaboration we achieved the task and had the commitment of Serge with his 61 C1, Peter’s 71 C3 chrome bumper, Dave’s 77 C3 plastic bumper, Tim’s 89 C4, our 98 C5 and Wayne’s 08 C6. Thank you for taking the time. We meet on Anzac Highway at 9am ready to move to the Birkalla Sports ground shortly after. Our cars were lined up in series order to make it easier to explain to the many onlookers the progression though the years with interest coming for both the cars and our club from both members of the public who paid to enter and of course those who were entrants in the Nationals. Although there are those who are strictly dedicated to the marque either way, it is obvious we are all dedicated car people with common interests from a very wide spectrum of places. It was great to chat and compare how different clubs go about things which gave us an opportunity to pass on how our Nationals were organized in Ballarat this year and the advantages of being away from Easter. Of-course the day gave us Corvette attendees the opportunity to check out all the great Mustangs on display as well as see the Concours judged cars, which were displayed separately and judged the day before as well as those lined up to be judged on the day. As for our club the Mustang Club of South Australia were due to hold their scheduled rotation in 2020 however with covid it all got postponed until this year unlike us who passed the baton on to other clubs. It was an interesting and informative day which gives both clubs further insight and appreciation into how we go about things including the sharing of information through our monthly newsletter exchanges. For those who have been on the Corvette National Committee in the past and into the future can appreciate the dedication and hard work which goes into these events and for those who arranged this event certainly did their club and the national Mustang community proud. For them the next event in 2024 is in Queensland. Write up & Photos by John Randall.